You Are The Main Character

Approach your life as if you’re playing a 1st person open world game. This makes everything more vibrant and makes the tough times easier to deal with.

  1. Most importantly, you learn to not take things personally which means things such as rejection stop creating an emotional response. You get rejected and it’s okay. Maybe you need to choose a different dialogue option, or maybe you need to approach another person instead that is more receptive.
  1. You learn to detach yourself from things happening. They’re no longer happening to you. They’re happening to your character.
    1. This allows you to think about the best possible response, or think about the best way to deal with a situation, again by not internalising it.
  1. You build more confidence because you know that, the consequences are not real.
    1. By this I’m referring to the 1001 scenarios that you pre-played in your mind. These would never happen anyway, but this helps put it in practice.
    2. This also helps you step into the main character role. Your experience is the only experience that you have, so why not take the lead and start experiencing things differently.
  1. That job that you dislike where you just go through the motions?
    1. What if you looked at it as a challenge that you need to overcome, by doing new things and creating new dialogue responses from others, which in turn makes things fresh for you.
  1. You’ll respawn after every “life or death situation”
    1. Know that the game will continue and everything will be fine after you do the thing that you’re deathly afraid of.
  1. You’ll stop wondering and worrying about what others are thinking
    1. You’ll never truly know what people are thinking, and most of the time, they aren’t thinking about you anyway, so why stress? See them as an extension of the game, and know that it doesn’t matter.

This is all to build up resilience and know that it’s never that deep. It’s only that deep within our minds. These people who you think are judging you negatively are probably looking at you in admiration, not that it should matter. It shouldn’t. No one else’s opinion should matter.

You are the main character.

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